MOTHERHOOD- I understand

To the mom who loves her kids more than life- I understand

To the mom who has not showered or who wears the same outfit for multiple days-I understand

To the mom who has lost her cool, “made the angels cry” with curse words- I understand

To the mom who feels like she is failing at everything – I understand

To the mom who feels like she is doing 100 things and none of them at 100%- I understand

To the mom who feels like she has neglected herself and her relationships – I understand

To the mom who feels like they are coming up short, cannot get things right, and who does not have all the answers- I understand

To the mom who is trying her best but it never feels like it is good enough- I understand

To the mom who craves a good night sleep, an hour to herself without feeling guilt- I understand

To the mom who stays up late working or wakes up early to work just to get five or ten more minutes with your children- I understand

To the mom who feels pressure to be perfect, to be like the proverbs 31 woman, that society seems to demand– I understand

To the mom who has shown up at work without her shoes or with makeup only on one eye- I understand

To the mom who kept her kids home from school because she just wanted to spend extra time with them because she had been working to much- I understand

To the mom who works tirelessly to put her family first without anyone noticing- I understand

 To the mom who gets drive through dinner too often or who gives granola bars and fruit snacks for breakfast- I understand

To the mom who hides in her closet to get just one minute to herself- I understand

To the mom who has kissed her kids at night and thought; why did I yell at them today when it was really I who was tired and overwhelmed? – I understand

To the mother who cannot sleep because she is worried about her children – I understand

To the mother who has felt judged – I understand

To the mother who is always trying her best – You are not alone!

When you feel alone or when you feel like you are not doing enough – just remember you are likely surrounded by those who understand!  

Find those people and don’t let go!  You will see – THEY TRULY UNDERSTAND!