Master your Mental Health – Morning Musts

Starting the day out right can make all the difference in how you feel.     These are my must do’s every morning.  Sometimes they are not always in this order and some days the time spent varies on each. One thing that’s for certain is that if I can do all 5, my day and my energy are much more positive.

  1. Sunlight

-I love to go outside and get sunlight in my eyes

  • Hydration

-Habit stack: put supplements in your water i.e., lemon, fruit, salt, AG1(any greens powder), chlorophyll, electrolytes, etc.

  • Movement/Exercise

-Do what feels right and listen to your body.  Some days you will have an intense workout while other days your body may need somethings less strenuous.

  • Mediation/Prayer

-I try to tell myself “More gratitude, less attitude” in both my prayer and in my day

  • Make the bed. 

When I make the bed, it is an instant sense of accomplishment.  If nothing else goes right at least you have made the bed 😊

  • Create a task list or an agenda for the day.

Know what your day has in store, and you will find that you are better equipped for when things don’t go as planned

Something I implemented when my oldest was struggling in school with not fitting in was reciting this out loud on the way to school, with my boys.  We all say it together!  Try it- You will be surprised because you end up with a smile on your face every time!

“I love and accept myself EXACTLY the way I am.  God created me perfect, for a reason and a purpose.  Today is going to be a great day!”

Some days are easier than others, but I have found that if I am consistent with these morning musts, my day just feels a whole lot better; not to mention being better prepared for the bumps and less likely to lose my cool!