Modern Day Knight Qualifications


Life is hard enough without the extra worry about learning how to act in everyday situations.  Being a modern-day knight and super-powered gentleman is all about RESPECT. Respect for yourself and respect for others. 

When you give 100% to everything you do and max effort into the things and people you care about (including yourself) you will far exceed your peers. You will be successful!  

i.e. In “non-gentleman” terms: give a damn about who you are and what you do.

A few more keys to unlock the Knightly castle:

A gentleman is kind, compassionate, protective, caring, genuine, trustworthy, honest, and funny.

A gentleman does not talk about money, he stays humble, and he gives to the less fortunate.

By simply putting extra effort into your appearance, always being polite (even when it is not easy), always choosing the high road, maintaining self-control, and being a man of your word, the gifts and blessings will receive will be endless. 

A gentleman looks at these events like little blessings or miracles. They are always appreciative and realize that the good things in life are earned not given!

Rest assured that with this knowledge- you are on the path to becoming your own version of a modern-day knight and a super-powered gentleman.