Psalm 17:6

I am praying to you because I know you will answer, O God. Bend down and listen as I pray.

This poem was written when I was feeling completely overwhelmed. I had worked all day, dinner plates were out, the kitchen was a mess, the Nintendo was loud, the Ipads were blaring, and the boys were fighting. Things were breaking down fast. I had nothing more to give.

I lost my cool, I lost my patience. I yelled at my children, telling them mom needed silence and that this was too much. The boys looked at me as I crumbled. The tears rolled down my face and all of a sudden, there was silence. Everything stopped almost instantly. The boys ran to me saying “Mommy don’t be sad”

They hugged me with a grip that brought me to my knees and two of them wiped my tears. At that moment, I smiled because this simple touch calmed my soul.

In that moment of weakness God listened, be helped calm the chaos and we all grew closer. This bond of love embraced us all.