The soaring heart of a mother whose child is outside the box

My heart soars when I look into your eyes

My heart feels sore when I brush your hair to the side to calm you at night

My heart soars when I hear you giggle and hear your contagious laugh

My heart feels sore when I hear you cry or see you get frustrated with normal kid things

My heart soars when you play the others and make meaningful connections

My heart feels sore when I see you retreat in your thoughts in overwhelming situations

My heart soars when you have a great day showing others how beautiful your mind and soul are

My heart feels sore when others judge and comment behind our back

My heart soars when you kiss, hug, and care for others exposing the true empathy and love your heart holds

My heart feels sore when others send glaring eyes like daggers when impulsivity arises

My heart soars when you come up with an idea that is more genius than many adults minds ever will be

My heart feels sore when you look at me and tell me that it is just how your brain thinks

My heart soars when you keep pushing forward trying to not give up

My heart feels sore knowing the pain your heart will feel when you do give up; because it’s physically outside of your capability

My heart soars that I am able to give you all the tools and lots of extra help        

My heart feels sore knowing I need to accept that even with it all your road ahead will be harder than most

My heart soars knowing that sometimes our kids take the form of angels strengthening us every day to become better people

Thank you buddy for making my heart soar!  I know your heart is bound to fly high doing amazing things if you just keep being YOU!