“Momma Mo Pooper” is my nickname – Mom-ing is my game

Boy Mom

Shout out to my momma friends who posted this on Facebook today.  Yes, they were boy moms and ironically we all concurred!  “Booty calls” happen nightly in our house and often even twice a day.  

While I am not an expert, I can honestly say, having boys have taught me that universally all boys belly laugh at poop!  Bathroom humor starts at age one and probably lasts a lifetime.  So here I am at 38 years old embracing my newest nickname- “Momma Mo-Pooper.”  Fingers crossed this name doesn’t stick!

Here are a few of the universal truths us boy moms endure:

  1. Potty humor is always funny
  2. Farts: The smellier or the louder the better (reminders on manners to say “excuse me” happen often)
  3. Peeing outside is by far ALWAYS the best option
  4. Asking for privacy, the fan, and an electronic device or a book is a must! 
  5. Spending time alone in the pooper is requested daily. No brothers or adults allowed!
  6. Hearing the call: “I’M DOOOONE” means it’s time for momma to help!!
  7. If you don’t touch anything and just aim – you may forget to wash your hands!
  8. Putting down the seat is often forgotten because it could potentially slam down and that could be “unsafe”
  9. Boys often “sprinkle when they tinkle”- never sit without checking the seat!
  10. Stock up on “Poo-Pourri Before-You-Go Toilet Spray”  p.s. this stuff smells awesome and works before or after https://www.amazon.com/Poo-Pourri-Original-Happens-Lavender-Vanilla/dp/B07T91KZVV/ref=sr_1_29?crid=3L1A8L63JTPKD&keywords=poop+spray+for+toilet+before+you+go&qid=1579890996&sprefix=poop+spray%2Caps%2C197&sr=8-29
  11. The toilet never gets flushed- either they forgot or because they want to show off to their brothers
  12. Before a long trip or a big day make sure to allow extra time to ensure everyone has spent enough time in the bathroom
  13. Until about age six – your son will think his mommy pees out of her butt
  14. Only one boy at a time in the bathroom- otherwise a game is sure to begin
  15. Invest in disposable toilet seat covers and good hand sanitizer.  Public restrooms are a very popular attraction, unfortunately, resulting in many false alarms.  See the link as these cover the entire potty, not just the seat!  https://www.amazon.com/Toilet-Seat-Covers-Disposable-Individually/dp/B07NVJWB51/ref=sr_1_4?crid=2NXGUJHN03TWN&keywords=hagon+pro+disposable+toilet+seat&qid=1579890927&sprefix=hagon+%2Caps%2C180&sr=8-4
  16. “Booty calls”- I will one day miss these days!!

One thing is for sure being “Momma Mo Pooper” is pretty darn cool for today!